Cloud Softwaresolution
macooa for your Enterprise
macooa - All in One Solution designed for Small & Medium sized Enterprises.
Idea Board
idea management
project, team & activity cockpit
video call integration, email
Cost Estimates
own / third-party services, calculations
Customer Offers
projectplan-calculations, customer offers
Sales Pipeline
deal opportunities, sales reporting, ...
create, plan, manage & lead projects
Kanban Board
agile team- and task management
track work times for projects
clients, contacts, contact history, leads ...
cost benefit analysis, project financials ...
invoice work time / work packages

Prof. Dr. Michael Breidung
Professor of Business informatics, TU DresdenDie heutigen Herausforderungen an die Organisation der unternehmerischen Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr manuell lösen. Das geht nur noch digital.

Agency & Project Management with macooa
Why macooa can be the solution to manage your business?
The following 3 items will help you to identify if macooa can be a software solution for your business.
You belong to the segment of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME)?
You are an architecture office, advertising agency, consulting company, craftsmen, i.e. electrician, plumber or a construction company.
Your workflows are based on projects / project based activities?
Your work can be characterized as project based activities, immaterial if you carry out your projects on time & material or fix price base where you have to meet budget expectations.
You want to increase transparency, want to know where you are with your projects?
You want to plan your projects, want to assign your staff member to work packages, want that work times are captured on projects based on work packages.
Then macooa seems to be the right software solution for your business!
Your benefits
if you want, you can start today
Desktop or App - you can work from anywhere, anytime.
macooa has been designed and developed for SME.
macooa Software supports GDPR requirements.

Impress yourself - Facts that are speaking on their own!
Using macooa you only need ...
to capture corporate data
to capture a new user
to capture a new project
to capture a worktime entry
... and in a couple of seconds you can become a macooa client.
About us
The macooa GmbH has been founded in 2015. Software products and consulting service offered by macooa GmbH are distinctive value propositions for the Small and Medium sized Enterprises segment.
The requirements of that client segment continues to be the driving force behind further developments of the macooa product and service portfolio.